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axis_mvndi [2016/08/23 11:11]
axis_mvndi [2016/10/10 13:23] (current)
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 Residency dates: August 15 to August 25\\ Residency dates: August 15 to August 25\\
 ---\\ ---\\
 ---\\ ---\\
 The electromagnetic waves emitted vertically towards the sky, drawing shapes ​ The electromagnetic waves emitted vertically towards the sky, drawing shapes ​
-at a cosmic scale as the Earth moves and rotates on itself.+at a cosmic scale as the Earth moves and rotates on itself.\\ 
 +=> [[http://​air.stwst.at/​eleonore16/​projects:​axis_mvndi|Axis Mvndi on Eleonore 2016]] 
-=[[Axis Mvndi|http://air.stwst.at/eleonore16/projects:​axis_mvndi]]+<html> 
 +<iframe src="​https://player.vimeo.com/video/184298208"​ width="​640"​ height="​360"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></​iframe>​ 